口腔卫生 Program Information


  • Important Factors to Consider before 应用ing

    Estimated Expenses

    与专业2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站相关的费用通常高于与卫生保健学科无关的2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站. 因此,2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站成本应被视为决策过程的一部分.

  • Dental Office Observation/Experience

    If an applicant has no prior experience working in the dental field, 在递交申请前,必须在牙科诊所完成八小时的观察. (Documentation MUST be provided).

  • Students as Patients

    During the two-year dental hygiene curriculum, students are required to be “patients” for a student partner. 学生伙伴互相练习牙齿卫生程序和疼痛控制方法.

  • Latex Allergy or Sensitivity and Cumulative Trauma Disorders

    有乳胶过敏/敏感或累积性创伤障碍(如腕管综合征)的个体, thoracic outlet syndrome, 肌腱炎, lateral epicondylitis, 等.)应与医生和口腔卫生教员讨论这些情况的影响. 这些情况的严重程度可能会对个人在课程和毕业后的表现产生不利影响, the practice of dental hygiene. 仔细考虑这些条件对于从事口腔卫生事业是必不可少的.

  • Patient Recruitment

    学生在整个课程中都有特定的病人案例. The department will recruit patients through advertisements, the clinical recall system, and other mechanisms; however, 最终学生的责任是招募病人来完成要求的病例.

  • Learning Disabilities

    重要的是要在学期开始前联系学生成功中心的专业人员,以便及时获得住宿. 同时,我们将尽一切努力及时协调住宿, 未能在学期开始前自我识别可能会延迟通知教师和获得住宿的时效性. Accommodations do not automatically carry over to the next semester.

  • Discrimination Policy


    Non-discrimination policy
  • Course 转移ability

    学生在口腔卫生专业学习的课程可以转到不同的学院和大学教育机构. 在该计划中,学生将在几个机构完成学士学位衔接. 在其他学院或大学完成学士学位的机会, and in health related areas of study will be discussed with the students.

  • 免疫接种

    According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), all healthcare personnel (HCP) must show evidence of immunity to measles, 流行性腮腺炎, rubella and varicella. 除了, 由于可能接触血液或体液以及与患者直接接触相关的风险, 美国疾病控制与预防中心建议HCP接种乙肝和破伤风/白喉/百日咳疫苗来保护自己,并进行结核病筛查. 2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站的学生必须提供符合CDC医疗人员建议的文件.

    Required 免疫接种


    • Negative 2 step Tuberculin Skin Test or negative chest x-ray, or negative QuantiFERON Gold Blood test. A one step Tuberculin Skin Test must be updated yearly.
    • Proof of immunizations or immunity for:
      • Rubella (German Measles),
      • Rubeola (Hard Measles),
      • 腮腺炎
      • Varicella Zoster (Chicken Pox),
      • Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (Tdap)
      • Hepatitis B Vaccine Series

    Recommended 免疫接种

    CDC strongly recommends:

    • 每年注射流感疫苗
    • COVID-19疫苗
  • Environmental Conditions/Standard Precautions/Infectious Disease Policy

    在接受进入口腔卫生计划后,学生将被通知强制性在线OSHA血源性病原体和标准预防培训课程. This must be complete prior to the start of the program.

    OSHA(职业安全与健康管理局)的章程是为了防止工伤, 疾病, 和死亡. Since OSHA was created in 1971, 与工作有关的死亡减少了大约62%,与工作有关的伤害减少了42%.

    作为一名口腔卫生专业的学生,你可能会接触到血液、身体组织和液体. There is the potential of exposure to electrical hazards, hazardous waste materials, 辐射, poisonous substances, 化学物质, loud or unpleasant noises and high stress emergency situations. 参加口腔卫生课程的学生有接触血液和体液的轻微风险,并且在病人护理活动中确实存在传播血液传播和其他传染病的可能性. 艾滋病病毒从牙科病人传染给牙医小组成员的风险极低. Nevertheless, there is some small potential for this to occur. The Americans with Disabilities Act forbids discrimination against patients with HIV; therefore, students are required to treat all patients assigned, regardless of the disease state of the patient.

    HIV/AIDS或HBV(肝炎)阳性的申请者/学生不会被禁止上课或参加诊所或参加学院主办的活动, unless the applicant/student is unable to follow *Standard Precautions. All decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. (*标准预防措施的定义是:考虑到所有患者都感染了病原体,因此对所有患者实施感染控制程序.)